A quote I was reminded of yesterday...
"Be in perfect unity. Never become angry with one another. Let your eyes be directed toward the kingdom of truth and not toward the world of creation. Love the creatures for the sake of God and not for themselves. You will never become angry or impatient if you love them for the sake of God. Humanity is not perfect. There are imperfections in every human being, and you will always become unhappy if you look toward the people themselves. But if you look toward God, you will love them and be kind to them, for the world of God is the world of perfection and complete mercy. Therefore, do not look at the shortcomings of anybody; see with the sight of forgiveness. The imperfect eye beholds imperfections. The eye that covers faults looks toward the Creator of souls. He created them, trains and provides for them, endows them with capacity and life, sight and hearing; therefore, they are the signs of His grandeur. You must love and be kind to everybody, care for the poor, protect the weak, heal the sick, teach and educate the ignorant."
-- Abdu'l Baha
How Sports Tourism is Becoming a Booming Industry in South Asia
Sports tourism is rapidly becoming one of the fastest-growing sectors
within the tourism industry in South Asia. The region, with…
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2 months ago
Since I came to Franckfurt congress I learnt to accept the imperfection and to keep my hart, my eyes on God
Since I came to Franckfurt congress I learnt to accept the imperfection and to keep my hart, my eyes on God
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