A conversation with N made me think of this quote:
"If you plant a seed in the ground, a tree will become manifest from that seed. The seed sacrifices itself to the tree that will come from it. The seed is outwardly lost, destroyed; but the same seed which is sacrificed will be absorbed and embodied in the tree, its blossoms, fruit and branches. If the identity of that seed had not been sacrificed to the tree which became manifest from it, no branches, blossoms or fruits would have been forthcoming... When you look at the tree, you will realize that the perfections, blessings, properties and beauty of the seed have become manifest in the branches, twigs, blossoms and fruit; consequently, the seed has sacrificed itself to the tree. Had it not done so, the tree would not have come into existence...
Man must sever himself from the influences of the world of matter, from the world of nature and its laws; for the material world is the world of corruption and death. It is the world of evil and darkness, of animalism and ferocity, bloodthirstiness, ambition and avarice, of self-worship, egotism and passion; it is the world of nature. Man must strip himself of all these imperfections, must sacrifice these tendencies which are peculiar to the outer and material world of existence.
On the other hand, man must acquire heavenly qualities and attain divine attributes. He must become the image and likeness of God. He must seek the bounty of the eternal, become the manifestor of the love of God, the light of guidance, the tree of life and the depository of the bounties of God. That is to say, man must sacrifice the qualities and attributes of the world of nature for the qualities and attributes of the world of God. For instance, consider the substance we call iron. Observe its qualities; it is solid, black, cold. These are the characteristics of iron. When the same iron absorbs heat from the fire, it sacrifices its attribute of solidity for the attribute of fluidity. It sacrifices its attribute of darkness for the attribute of light, which is a quality of the fire. It sacrifices its attribute of coldness to the quality of heat which the fire possesses so that in the iron there remains no solidity, darkness or cold. It becomes illumined and transformed, having sacrificed its qualities to the qualities and attributes of the fire.
Likewise, man, when separated and severed from the attributes of the world of nature, sacrifices the qualities and exigencies of that mortal realm and manifests the perfections of the Kingdom, just as the qualities of the iron disappeared and the qualities of the fire appeared in their place."
-- Abdu'l Baha, Promulgation of Universal Peace
Sacrifice, therefore, involves giving up the lower for that which is higher. This is worth pondering, for often we expect ourselves or others to give something up - but its important to realize that sacrifice can only truly happen if there is a notion of giving something up for something higher - not just giving something up. The call of that which is higher is what motivates one to let go of the lower, even as the monkey lets go of the lower branch only when it has firmly grasped the higher. If it did not have that firm grasp on the higher, and let go of the lower, it would just fall.
So when one perceives the need for sacrifice in oneself or others, it might be more worthwhile focusing on developing a strong sense of what the higher goal/objective is, rather than focusing on letting go of the lower. For once one does the former, the letting go will happen naturally, just as a seed cannot but sacrifice its form once you plant it in soil and water it.
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2 months ago
1 comment:
beautiful. thank you. i did think about the things you'd said at the end of our conversation, but i'm also glad that you blogged so beautifully on the subject.
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