For some thoughts on the quote in the post below, do check out this blog post.
A couple more thoughts on spiritual laws that came to me as I read the above post, that I thought I'd share here. One, I find it helpful to think of spiritual laws not as arbitrarily imposed rules by some anthropomorphic being, but rather laws that are interwoven into the fabric of creation, much as physical laws are. So, for example, if I climb to the top of a skyscraper and jump down, I will fall due to gravity. Gravity is one of the laws of the universe. It is not that someone willfully pushes me down to crash onto the ground - but the consequence of choosing to jump down from a building is that I will fall down.
Likewise, many spiritual laws exist as a part of this world - such as the effect of prayer, fasting, loving thoughts, the effect of indulging in immoral activities etc. Just as physical laws are statements of consequences when it comes to physical actions, spiritual laws are statements of consequences of spiritual acts. All the Manifestation/Prophet of God really does is acquaint us with these laws, just as a scientist acquaints us with physical laws. Of course the expression of these laws might change based on the state of evolution of human society (and so qualities like justice, for example, might be expressed in different ways depending on the condition of human society) - but the laws themselves are intrinsic to this world, not arbitrarily imposed by some external being.
There is another way of thinking about laws that someone once explained to me which I quite like - lets think of traffic laws. One might believe that traffic laws actually restrict our freedom to drive as we want. But if we think a little deeper, we realize that if these laws didn't exist, one would be afraid just to step out onto the road, as one has no guarantee about how others are driving. So, even though it might seem counter-intuitive, the existence of traffic laws actually makes us more free - free to drive how we want within the scope of these laws. This analogy might be useful in understanding how spiritual laws can actually be freeing rather than restricting.
Of course, both the above are just ways of thinking about spiritual laws - I doubt we'll ever attain complete comprehension of these subtle forces. But it definitely helps one in following these laws to understand, at least to some extent, that these are not laws to be blindly followed just because someone came along and said we should.
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2 months ago
Hi Nikhil, I've been enjoying your postings on the meaning of laws. I agree that spiritual laws show us natural consequences in much the same way physical laws do. If I eat terribly, my health will suffer for it, not because God is punishing me for my diet, but because that is the nature of human bodies... eating unhealthy food has a certain effect. In this way, the laws are "the lamps of my loving providence" because they illuminate for us natural spiritual laws which show us how to be happy, content, virtuous, etc... If we don't follow the laws, we aren't punished by an angry diety, but may bear the unpleasant natural consequences. Likewise, healthy food allows us to be strong, alert, and energetic in much the same way that following spiritual laws (gradually, day by day) helps us grow stronger spiritually.
thanks for that great analogy, anne!
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